Withstanding anything said, conveyed, printed, published or implied any where else on any platform or stationary other than this prospectus, the rules contained below in this section shall prevail and to shall be binding on all concerned. Every student would be deemed to have read and understood all the rules of this section.
1 .All power relating to discipline and disciplinary actions are vested in the Director, who has the final authority.
2. The Director may delegate all or only such powers as he deems proper to any of the officials of the IHM.
3. All the admissions made will be provisional and be subject to thorough scrutiny. If it is found at any stage, during the entire period of the course that the candidate has furnished any false or incorrect information in the application form or at the time of counseling/admission, his/her candidature for the course will be summarily cancelled.
4. Without prejudice to the generality of power to enforce discipline, the following shall amount to Indiscipline and misconduct:
a) Any physical assault or even threat to use physical force against any other student or any other officer/member of the Institute (teaching or non- teaching) within or outside the Institute’s premises.
b) Carrying of weapons or threat of using them.
c) Violation of the status, dignity and honor of students belonging to the Scheduled Caste and scheduled Tribes.
d) Any violation of the provision of the Civil Rights Protection Act, 1976.
e) Any gesture, posture or verbal remark, which is otherwise derogatory to women.
f) Any attempt to bribery for illegal gains or any other corruption of any means.
g) Willful destruction of, damage or defacing of Institute property or causing any disruption in any manner to the normal functioning of the Institute.
h) Creating ill-will or intolerance on religious, political or communal grounds.
i) Smoking, use of alcohol/ prohibited drugs is strictly prohibited inside the Institute’s campus and hostel. The names of students found indulging in such acts would be immediately struck off from the rolls of the Institute.
5. Without prejudice to the generality of his powers relating to the maintenance of discipline and taking such actions in the interest as he may deem fit, the Director may, in the exercise of his powers aforesaid order to or direct to be ordered.
a) That any student or students be expelled from the Institution.
b) Any student or students be, for a stated period, rusticated or
c) Not allowed to attend a course or courses of study in a department or Institute for a stated period.
d) Be fined by a specific amount.
e) Be debarred from giving a departmental examination or University Examination.
f) That the result of the student or students concerned in the Examination or examinations in which he/she/they appeared be cancelled.
6. Only the result of the entrance test shall not entitle a student to get admission.
7. At the time of admission, every student shall be required to sign a declaration that on admission he/she submits himself/ herself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Director and other authorities of the Institute who may be vested with the authority to exercise discipline under the rules and regulations framed
by the Institute. All the boys and girls seeking admission in any of the offered courses are expected to follow the following rules and regulations (Subject to change by Institute Authorities).
- Immediately after admission, every student submits himself/herself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Management of the Institute which may vest this authority to one or more of its officers to exercise discipline under Universities’ Act and Ordinance, Rules and Regulations that have been or would be framed by the Institute from time for proper and effective disciplinary control.
- It is mandatory that all the students fulfill the minimum attendance requirements as given in the Ordinance governing each course.
- The name of any student absenting himself /herself, without any valid reason or without written permission from concerned authorities for a period of six working days from the class, will be struck off from the Institute roll. However he/she will be permitted to attend the classes by paying readmission charges as application from time to time.
- Any students who
- is irregular in attendance.
- fails to show anticipated progress or due diligence in academics
- is a habitual non -performer
- is liable to have his/her name struck off from the rolls of the Institute. Management reserves the sole discretion of readmission. In such cases, the recommendation of respective class teachers/ Head of Department for extra – coaching to the students, would solely lie with the Management or its designated officers. It would be mandatory for the students to undergo such recommended extra-coaching and show required results.
- It would also be mandatory for students to take part in all the extra curricular activities of the
- The progress of the students will be communicated to their parents/ guardians regularly by the media of their choice.
- All students will necessarily attend their internal exams conducted by the Institute. Parents/guardians are requested to pay regular and proper attention to the progress of their children and must meet Administrator or ay other designated officer as and when called for, in the interest of their ward.
- The students will attend Institute in the uniform code given in the prospectus.
- And misconduct or misbehavior in the Institute/ Hostel campus or outside shall be viewed seriously.
- The Institute does not hold itself responsible for any debts or financial deals struck by the Students or their parents/ guardians.
- The students are not allowed to loiter about without purpose inside Institute’s premises.
- Students will have to pay for all damages caused by them to the books, instruments equipments, or any other Institution Property.
- Students are advised to maintain the decorum of the Institution in the real spirit.
- Students indulging in any anti-national anti-social activities would be expelled from the Hostel/Institute immediately.
- Matter not covered by the above rules will fall entirely within the absolute discretion of the Director of the Institute only.
- Rulings by the Honorable Supreme Court of India would remain guidelines in this regard.
All disputes would be subject to jurisdiction of Dehra Dun courts only.